AM Caregivers

This is a great introduction to patient care in safe home environment. Many employees have utilized this experience to prepare for nursing, physical therapy, or physician assistant school.

schedule/ hours

Usual start time is 5:00 AM Monday through Friday and 7:00 AM on weekends. It is a 4 hour shift, twice a week (8 hour work week). Employees are offered a set schedule to plan other commitments around.


This is a physical job that requires upper body strength and endurance (no lifting). Work pace is quick and efficient. Patient has a pleasant and respectful personality. If you enjoy being focused and work diligently, you should be able to finish all duties in less than four hours, but still get paid for full 4-hour shift.

Employees are trained on the following patient care responsibilities:

  • Range of motion/stretching exercise

  • Transfers with Hoyer lift

  • Bowel routine/toileting

  • Patient showering & shaving

  • Dressing

  • Standard quadriplegia hygiene and wellness

  • Light kitchen clean-up from the day / fold laundry